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If you’re interested in working together, please fill out my intake form so I can learn more about you and determine if we’re a good fit.

Getting to Know You

Once I’ve received your intake form, I will reach out within 24 hours to ask any follow-up questions. From there, we will determine how to best proceed.

Trip Design

This is when I get to work! I will provide personalized recommendations for accommodations, and if you are interested in my itinerary services, we will begin that process.


Once we have narrowed in on the right selections for you, I will make reservations for accommodations, air travel, and if we’ve decided to work on an itinerary together, this is when I would move ahead with booking activities, restaurants, etc.

Along the way, I will be in communication with the hotel and other vendors to ensure that all is set for your dream trip. Before you leave, I will be in touch to confirm that we are all set to go!


The day has finally come — time embark on your trip. As always, I am available if anything comes up

Pack Your Bags!

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